7月27日下午,加拿大达尔豪斯大学农学院工程系何佺老师应永利集团官网副校长、上海市多相结构材料化学工程重点实验室主任辛忠教授邀请,在徐汇校区作了题为“水和热解生物质废物制备生物油和生物化学品” 的学术报告。辛忠副校长主持了本次报告,教育部“*”、生物工程学院许建和副院长,教育部“*”王辅臣教授听取了报告。3044am永利集团欢迎您部分教师及研究生参与了报告会。
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Quan (Sophia) He is an associate professor of chemical engineering at the Faculty of Agriculture, Dalhousie University. Prior to this appointment, she worked as a PDF at University of Waterloo. During 1994-2005, she was an assistant/associate professor at Ningbo University of Technology, where she taught chemical engineering courses and led her research group working on separation of chiral compounds. From 1990 to 2004, she served as an engineer on process optimization in Heilongjiang Province Compute RChemicalesearch and Application Center.
She received her PhD degree in & Biochemical Engineering from Western University in 2010, her M.Sc. in 2004, and B.Sc. in 1990 from East China University of Science and Technology respectively. Her research interests include: production of liquid biofuels and value-added bioproducts from biomass; development and application of novel nanocatalyst; separation of chiral compounds by crystallization and extraction;
She has been active in the field of reaction and separation engineering for more than 20 years, with 40 peer-reviewed publications and three patents. She is a recipient of NSERC and MITACS postdoctoral fellowships, OGS scholarship, and excellence in research award.